Showing posts that match tag: food-and-climate-justice

Read on for posts that relate to food-and-climate-justice

AGRA's Policy Influence Exposed: African Faith Leaders Demand Reparations from Gates Foundation

AGRA Doubles Down on Harmful Policies On August 28, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) hosted a press conference, where they released...

Press Conference: African Faith Leaders Demand Reparations from Gates - Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Press Conference Wednesday, 28 August 2024 8 AM EDT | 12 PM GMT (Accra/Bamako) | 2 PM SAST (Johannesburg) | 3 PM EAT (Nairobi) Language interpretatio...

Sign-on Open letter: African Faith Leaders Demand Reparations from the Gates Foundation

SAFCEI and African faith leaders are sending an open letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) and other funders of the so-c...

Regional Women’s FLEAT in Johannesburg: Empowering Women Faith Leaders in Environmental Advocacy

SAFCEI hosted a three-day in-person Regional Women’s Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 16 to...

SAFCEI champions accountability and climate action at South Africa's Presidential Inauguration

Today, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) is attending the Presidential inauguration at the Union Buildings in Pr...

Sustainable Consumption Webinar: A Faith Response to the Climate & Biodiversity Crises - 28 June 2024

SAFCEI will be hosting a Sustainable Consumption Webinar on 28 June 2024 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm (SAST). Topic: A Faith Response to the Climate &...

SAFCEI launches its second FLEAT workshop in South Africa

We launched our second South African FLEAT cohort (FLEAT SA II) with a three-day in-person workshop at the Cape Town Lodge from 21-23 May 2024, with...

SAFCEI hosts FLEAT Zambia follow-up workshop

We hosted a FLEAT follow-up workshop for FLEA Zambia I and II cohorts at Nomad’s Court Lodge in Lusaka from 7 to 9 May 2024, with 26 faith leaders (1...

"Address energy poverty in South Africa's climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient" - SAFCEI

“Address energy poverty in South Africa’s climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient” – SAFCEI As South Africa gears up to...

Season of Creation Resources 2023- Let Justice and Peace Flow

Join Christians around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October. The Season of Creation, which runs from 1...

“No decision about us without us!” – Africa’s Leading Farmer Groups Call Out AGRA Over Corporate Interference

AGRA, until recently known as The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa — will hold its annual Summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 5-8 Septemb...

Media Advisory: “No Decision About Us Without Us!”

Leading African Farmer Groups Challenge AGRA Summit Over Corporate Dominance WHEN: Wednesday, 30 August 2023, 1 PM GMT / 4 PM EAT / 9 AM EDT WHERE: O...

Launch of Agroecology reports: South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia

We commissioned a series of research papers focused on agroecology in South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The synthesis report provides an ov...

Growing Hope: FLEAT Zambia Empowers Mukunkiki School with community garden project

Esther Kakole, a member of SAFCEI’s Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) Zambia group representing the Christian faith recently shared...

Indigenous Foods in Malawi

There is an old adage that says “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. On Wednesday 7 June 2023, faith leaders from our Faith Leader En...

The Power of a Functional Food Garden: The Case of Mgombane Primary School

Mgombane Primary School learners explaining to FLEAT members how they take care of the vegetable garden in front of their classrooms From the outside...

Our Africa, Our Agriculture: African farmers and faith leaders demand an end to the failed Green Revolution

MEDIA RELEASE SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 Our Africa, Our Agriculture: African farmers and faith leaders demand an end to the failed Green Revolution Ahead of t...

Season of Creation 2022: Join our #Faiths4SustainableFarming campaign

Join Christians around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October. The Season of Creation, which runs from 1...

Press Advisory

Our Africa, Our Agriculture African farmers and faith leaders demand an end to the failed Green Revolution 4PM Kigali / 5PM Nairobi / 10AM Washingt...

Agroecology in Southern Africa: The foundation for sustainable food production - 9 September 2022

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of agroecological farming and how you can set up your own practice? If you are new to this concept o...

Op-Ed: Green Revolution is failing African farmers

OP-ED BY FRANCESCA DE GASPARIS AND FLETCHER HARPER In March, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) sent letters to th...

African faith communities appeal to U.S. congress: "Stop funding industrial agriculture, AGRA is hurting Africa"


SAFCEI joins the Climate Justice Charter Movement at Parliament

SAFCEI joined the Climate Justice Movement today to tell the South African National Parliament that our people asked them to adopt the Climate Justice...

Climate governance in four Southern African Countries: A food systems perspective

Unable to display PDF file. Download instead. Click here to download the research report....

SAFCEI COP26 Statement

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South Africa seems to be ready to implement the Paris Agreement, an international climate change law.

The Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 by world leaders to address issues of climate change. All countries were mandated to develop an implementation...

Sustainable Consumption Workshop Series on Food Security - 20 September to 25 October 2021

SAFCEI is running a six-week workshop series on Food Security that will look into practical ways of setting up Agroecological farming projects, develo...

The Faith and Moral Call to AGRA

The Southern African Faith Communities’ Institute (SAFCEI) held a press conference to publish the Faith Leaders in Africa’s open letter to the Bill an...

Resources list: African groups ask donors to stop funding ‘Green Revolution’ effort to expand corporate industrial agriculture in Africa

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), a network of 35 groups in Africa, is calling on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. gove...

Press Release: African Faith Communities Tell Gates Foundation, "Big Farming is No Solution for Africa"

Following the United Nations (UN) Food Systems Pre-Summit in Rome last week - a prequel to the Head of State-level Summit in New York, this September...

Earth Day 2021: Regional Interfaith Dialogue and Prayers for the Earth

SAFCEI hosted an online Regional Interfaith Dialogue on “What does your faith say about green funerals?” and Prayers for the Earth for #EarthDay Speak...

Faiths unite for energy and climate justice workshop

SAFCEI hosted faith leaders from the Koeberg and Cape Flats areas for a workshop on energy and climate justice at Goedgedacht Farm near Riebeeck Kaste...



Zoom Launch: Faith Leaders in Africa's Open Letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - 23 February 2021

Please Join us for the Faith Leaders in Africa's Open Letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Zoom meeting on 23 February, 10 am to 12 pm. SA...

Food gardening webinars for faith communities: Vanda Chittenden shares her story

Since we started our food garden webinars for faith communities in September, we have been receiving wonderful stories from participants who have been...

Food gardening webinars

'If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. ' - Mother Theresa As a community of Earthkeepers, we recognize the interconnectedness...

Cape Flats Interfaith Meeting

In July, our Faith Leader Liaison, Rev Berry Behr led our first Interfaith meeting with Cape Flats Leaders. The group was introduced to some of the w...

A Programme of Action in the Time of Covid-19

We, as civic organisations, trade unions, organisations of informal workers, faith-based organisations and community structures in South Africa, call...

Southern Africa – Feeling the Effects of the Climate Crisis

By Robyn Bowden “More than 11-million people are now experiencing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity” due to the “deepening drought and cli...

Taking back ownership of our seeds

Seeds are one of the most remarkable miracles, where life bursts forth from the tiniest dormant organism. Humans have spent generations caring, savi...

SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019

Prof Tinyiko Maluleke (centre) after delivering his keynote address at the SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019. Photo by Elkan Butler Photography. We host...

Food and Climate Justice: IPCC special report on climate change and land

By Robyn Bowden The IPCC land report: why it is important, what we will be doing, and who am I? Let us start with who I am - My name is Robyn Bowden...

Food inequality in South Africa

By Robyn Bowden It is common knowledge that South Africa suffers from extreme income inequality. But just how unequal is not always clear. Most South...

Cape Town's food system

Report on the Cape Town Food Systems Field Trip lead by Gareth Haysom and Robyn Park-Ross from the African Centre for Cities (UCT) on 22 January 2018,...

Farmers, food activists, academics & policymakers gear up to gather in Cape Town to promote agroecology for the 21st century

Media Release 22 January 2019 The politics of food and its production will be on the menu at a multi-sectoral conference taking place in Cape Town...


On 8 September a Climate Rise Mini-Summit was jointly hosted by SAFCEI,, and WESSA. A diverse group of 170 stakeholders including environmenta...

It’s time for a food revolution in Africa!

Currently, in Africa more than 200 million people are undernourished and approximately 33 million children go to sleep malnourished and hungry every n...

Please sign and share this petition to tell Famous Brands that you will not be purchasing any of its products until it stops supporting this heinous animal abuse.

Watch the video below and learn why an increasing number of food companies and consumers are switching to cage-free eggs. Wimpy SA MUGG & BEAN SA...

Food Sovereignty Festival 2016

The South African Food Sovereignty Campaign is hosting an exciting festival in Johannesburg this coming weekend. The festival serves as a platform t...

Mining versus tourism and food security – where is our moral compass?

Amadiba community meeting. Photo: Kate Davies South Africa’s wealth has been built on the back of extractive industries and the toil of Apartheid’s i...

Food, glorious food

By Louisa Feiter Photo: Pedrik (Flickr) Lazy summer afternoon braai’s, succulent roast with vegetables, spicy rice dishes or curries, freshly made ch...