Showing posts that match tag: eco-justice

Read on for posts that relate to eco-justice

Season of Creation Resources 2023- Let Justice and Peace Flow

Join Christians around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October. The Season of Creation, which runs from 1...

Growing Hope: FLEAT Zambia Empowers Mukunkiki School with community garden project

Esther Kakole, a member of SAFCEI’s Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) Zambia group representing the Christian faith recently shared...

Indigenous Foods in Malawi

There is an old adage that says “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. On Wednesday 7 June 2023, faith leaders from our Faith Leader En...

Energizing solutions in Uganda

Our FLEAT member in Uganda, Saidah Nakaliisa, representing the Muslim community recently shared an update on the one-year Environmental Training proje...

SAFCEI Submission - PCC Faith Leader Dialogue 8 March 2023

On Wednesday, 8 March 2023, we met with the Presidential Climate Commission virtually and in-person for a Faith Leaders Dialogue on the Just Energy Tr...

Green Action Week: Seed Swop 2022

Nirmala Nair, a seed expert who had been a guest speaker at SAFCEI’s inaugural event in 2005, was the guest speaker for our Seed Swap event at Ocean V...


Faith leaders outside Parliament on a Nuclear vigil. On 1 November 2022, twenty faith leaders from around South Africa gathered to deepen their knowl...

Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about advocating for environmental justice? - 13 December 2022

Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa Join us on 13 December 2022 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (SAST), for an online (Zoom) Regional Interfaith Dialog...

#EnergyPlan4All monthly vigils

We have restarted hosting monthly vigils outside parliament. Affordability, safety and access to clean energy are major concerns to all South Africans...

The People's Section 34 Determination

Media Release July 2022 Civil society organisations (CSOs) are continuing their efforts to help South Africa move towards the end of load shedding by...

Advocacy gains momentum: group energy growing, nuclear going down!

By Rev Berry Behr There is nothing like sharing experiences to inspire and motivate a group of Faith Leaders to greater heights in eco-justice advoca...

Faith leaders support peer projects

By Cele Esau, lay leader for social justice at Cape Town Unitarians On Wed, July 6th, a small delegation of interfaith leaders from SAFCEI’s Faith an...

SAFCEI comments on the Climate Change Bill draft

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Northern Cape communities shocked that liquid radioactive waste is planned for storage at Vaalputs, without any public consultation

During a workshop with faith leaders in Northern Cape, held by the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) this week, the m...

Learning about the Northern Cape

The almost eight-hour cross country drive from Kimberley to Okiep, 8km north of Springbok in the Northern Cape, took us through a sprinkling of neglec...

Kimberley workshop on eco-justice and Earthkeeping

SAFCEI visited one of our longstanding FLEAT members in Kimberley today and helped him to broaden his network of Earthkeepers in diverse churches in h...

Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about the future of people and planet? - 14 February 2022

Join us on Earthkeeper Day, 14 February 2022 at 10 am (SAST), for an online Regional Interfaith Dialogue to celebrate our love for creation. Topic: Wh...

People of faith oppose Shell: "Environmental rights are human rights. When you violate nature, you violate the people!"


Light a candle for the world’s environmentalists on 10 December 2021 - World Human Rights Day!

Around the globe, defenders of the environment are being attacked, harassed, and murdered, many times in connection with business activities. This has...

SAFCEI hosts Faith and Eco-Justice project workshops in the Eastern Cape

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SAFCEI joins the Climate Justice Charter Movement at Parliament

SAFCEI joined the Climate Justice Movement today to tell the South African National Parliament that our people asked them to adopt the Climate Justice...

Invitation: COP26 Interfaith Talanoa Dialogue online - 31 October 2021

Ahead of COP26, starting in Glasgow on Monday 1 November, the Interfaith Liaison Committee (UN Special Group) is organising The Informal Interfaith Ga...

Regional Interfaith Dialogue: What does your faith say about water as a human right? - 7 December 2021

Calling Faith Leaders in Southern Africa!⠀ Join us on 7 December 2021 at 10 am (SAST) for a Regional Interfaith Dialogue.⠀ Topic: What does your faith...

Vigil for Fikile Ntshangase

Vigil for Fikile Ntshangase Life After Coal, Community House, 23 October 2021 On Saturday 23 October, SAFCEI was part of a vigil for slain eco activis...

South Africa seems to be ready to implement the Paris Agreement, an international climate change law.

The Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 by world leaders to address issues of climate change. All countries were mandated to develop an implementation...

Sustainable Consumption Workshop Series on Food Security - 20 September to 25 October 2021

SAFCEI is running a six-week workshop series on Food Security that will look into practical ways of setting up Agroecological farming projects, develo...

The progress of multilateral climate talks in the UNFCCC should reflect the needs of our people

The progress of multilateral climate talks in the UNFCCC should reflect the needs of our people, it is a matter of justice. The UNFCCC has recently h...

Faith and Energy Eco-Justice project - Induction workshop

A diverse group of selected faith leaders from four provinces in South Africa met virtually on Thursday 20 May to launch a three-year project in eco a...

FLEAT: Web of Life workshop in Zimbabwe

On 6 May Evans Ndadzungira, Zimbabwe Youth Biodiversity Network (ZYBN) School Outreach Officer and FLEAT Zimbabwe participant and Knowledge Vingi (ZYB...

What does Nature want?

Human wants are well articulated, marketed and even expanded to a position of status. Most are ultimately provided by Nature: the landscapes whose sca...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

A tale of two Karoo pastors

Among the many friends that Stefan and Erika Cramer have made during their anti-fracking work in the Karoo are two faith leaders from very different b...

Power for People: Nuclear is a moral issue

“As the youngest person in the room and someone who supports renewables, I believe it is fair for me to say: We need to think very seriously about how...

Let Justice Flow Down – God and Economics

Let Justice Flow Down – God and Economics a discussion by Bishop Geoff Davies. The world is facing multiple challenges, with burgeoning populations,...

The Earth Statement - Nature needs your voice.

Earth Statement Logo for reducing CO2 levels Leading scientists & economists have defined eight essential elements that world leaders need act on...

FLEAT projects inspire stewardship

In the words of FLEAT graduate Sean Ukomba: “God gave us one earth. Imagine what will happen if every believer could be a steward” SAFCEI’s Faith Le...

Earth Keepers say no to palm oil.

Palm oil is in more than 50% of South African consumer products from baked goods, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, to margarine, cooking oil,...

Frank Molteno, on compassion & veganism

As an introvert Frank Molteno had reservations about talking about his journey to veganism. He is a seasoned Earth Keeper whose gentle, contemplative...

SAFCEI’s new Eco-Congregation Co-ordinator

Juanita smiles as she relates how excited she was when she saw an advert for a position at SAFCEI. She had no idea that a multi-faith organisation li...

Youth explore links between Faith and Nature.

There was an overwhelming response to the invitations that were sent out for the Youth Leadership Workshop in November 2015. Twenty four dynamic and...