Showing posts that match tag: energy

Read on for posts that relate to energy

Public and civil society excluded from Government's Seminar

The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) along with other not for profit organisations who monitor energy decision-makin...

Webinar: How to Appeal the Licence for Koeberg's life extension - 10 September 2024

Join us for a webinar on How to Appeal the National Nuclear Regulator's (NNR) decision to Extend the Life of Koeberg Nuclear Power Station for a furth...

Russian eco-defender boosts South Africa's anti-nuclear campaign with timely visit

Award-winning Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak of Ecodefense is visiting South Africa for the rest of July. Slivyak, a Right Livelihoods Lau...

From Russia to Kenya and South Africa: Global Activists unite for a sustainable, Nuclear-Free Future

![]( "Photo Caption: Francesca de Gasparis (SAFCEI) Executive Director, Makoma Lekalakala (Earthlife Africa) Director, David Munene (SAFCEI Board...

Join us for an evening panel discussion on Nuclear Power with Vladimir Slivyak in Cape Town - 23 July 2024

Join us for a special evening panel discussion co-hosted by SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa, with award-winning Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak...

SAFCEI hosts FLEAT Zambia follow-up workshop

We hosted a FLEAT follow-up workshop for FLEA Zambia I and II cohorts at Nomad’s Court Lodge in Lusaka from 7 to 9 May 2024, with 26 faith leaders (1...

“NNR Public participation process is a governance and compliance issue, not to be taken lightly” – Civil Society

Public uproar over the lack of information shared, running up to the last consultation process in February, forced the National Nuclear Regulator (NN...

Parties still not prepared to tackle climate change and energy poverty

As we head into next week’s National Elections, with the news that unemployment is now at an all-time-high of 33% overall and 46% among the youth, ma...

Preparatory meeting: Have Your Say On The Life Extension Of Koeberg – 20 May 2024

The Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant’s 40-year lifespan is coming to an end in 2024. Eskom is seeking to extend Koeberg’s operation by another 20 years. Jo...

Standing Strong: 7 Years Since Nuclear Deal Ruling, Civil Society Remains Vigilant, Committed To Energy Justice

On the eve of South Africa’s Freedom Day, Friday 26 April 2024, the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) – together wit...

Apply to join our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT SA II) Workshop in South Africa - 21-24 May 2024

🌍 Join us for the first workshop from 21 to 24 May 2024 in Cape Town 🙏. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our second cohort for an...

South Africa: Who Ends Up Paying If DMRE Cooks the Price of Nuclear Power?

It has been just over two (2) weeks since the deadline for comments on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s (DMRE) draft 2023 Integrated...

Equitable Energy Futures: A Workshop Series for a Just Energy Transition

APPLY NOW Equitable Energy Futures: a Workshop Series for a Just Energy Transition SAFCEI invites applications from faith leaders in Mozambique, Namib...

South Africa’s nuclear energy expansion plans continue to draw criticism, environmental NGOs chew over legal challenge

Government’s announcement that the s34 determination – to start the process to procure 2500 MW of new nuclear capacity – had been gazetted (in Januar...

SAFCEI attends the People’s Hearing on Energy Profiteers

On 31 January 2024, SAFCEI’s executive director, Francesca de Gasparis, and campaigns coordinator, Maia Nangle, joined the Open Secrets’ People’s He...

"Address energy poverty in South Africa's climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient" - SAFCEI

“Address energy poverty in South Africa’s climate commitments so that communities can become climate resilient” – SAFCEI As South Africa gears up to...

The Green Connection and SAFCEI respond to energy minister's divisive and deflecting comments

Following reports that Minister Mantashe has doubled down on his accusations against NGOs during his address at Africa Oil Week (10 October) – he sai...

Open letter to Ministers on Eskom

SAFCEI is one of the 28 organisations that signed on to this open letter sent to the Ministers of Energy, Public Enterprises, Environmental Affairs an...

What legacy do we want for South Africa?

Stefan teaching the next generation of Earth Keepers about uranium mining. Photo: Erika Cramer In July we were excited to receive the news of a large...

Nuclear industry prefers to keep the public in the dark

The Pelindaba nuclear reactor plant near Pretoria. Picture: THE TIMES By Neil Overy This article was published in BDLive IN 1994, the Western Cape AN...

Eight massive power shifts as demand for fossil fuels fades

By Tom Randall This article was published in Fin24 New York - The way we get electricity is about to change dramatically, as the era of ever-expanding...

Government finally replies to nuclear court case

Government has finally responded to Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA) and SAFCEI's court papers. The court case was launched in October 2015, and...

Nuclear and Uranium Mining Update

As reported by Dr Stefan Cramer and Liz McDaid Radiation Hotspot near Beaufort-West. Our work on nuclear and uranium mining continues in full-steam w...

No nuclear bail outs

Press release 11th May 2016 Minister Joemat-Pettersson’s energy budget debate was characterised by some anomalies. The Minister and various MPs spoke...

Invitation to: COP21 and the struggle for energy democracy

SAFCEI will be presenting an update on the current progress on the SAFCEI/ELA nuclear court case and associated nuclear campaign. The topic will be Nu...

Nuclear likely to increase electricity prices, not decrease

"There is a 94% chance that electricity prices will be higher by 2030 as a result of nuclear commitment; with negative impacts on growth, employm...

Parliament makes tired promises to listen to civil society and the Minister does not deliver

Kate Davies stood outside Parliament during the Energy Portfolio Committee Meeting on the 23 February. Despite hopes that the Energy Portfolio Commit...

SAFCEI's response to SONA 2016

President Zuma’s statement that the government would “only procure nuclear on a scale and pace that our country can afford” is in no way reassuring. Z...

Uranium mining

The debate around nuclear until now has largely centred on how the procurement of nuclear energy is being done in secrecy and without proper consultat...

SAFCEI opposes Eskom’s tariff increases

Liz McDaid is representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings today. Read our press release below. Liz McDaid representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings, Tu...

SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings

Liz McDaid presenting at NERSA, Tuesday 19 January 2016. Liz McDaid presented to NERSA, asking them to exercise wise judgement. Giving two contrastin...

SAFCEI’s submission to NERSA on Eskom application

The Energy Regulator (NERSA) has received Eskom’s application for a tariff increase based on the revenue claw back mechanism and has invited the publi...

Vive la France!

By Liz McDaid The South African government’s headlong rush into the arms of the nuclear industry continues to defy reason, yet France, the bastion of...

SAFCEI legal response to SA secret nuclear deals

South Africa's government is poised to commence procurement of up to eight nuclear reactors at a cost of at least R500 billion (more likely R1 trillio...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

SAFCEI rejects Eskom's 25,3% price increase application

At a time when Eskom is unable to supply sufficient electricity and is suffering from insufficient funds to complete its maintenance and buy expensive...

Power for People: Nuclear is a moral issue

“As the youngest person in the room and someone who supports renewables, I believe it is fair for me to say: We need to think very seriously about how...

Renewable Festival Fun for Earth Hour 2015

The Renewable Energy Festival 2015 – a date with the future that promises to be simply awesome! Renewables are not about unplugging old technology an...

Stop nukes. Prevent democracy meltdown.

The prosperity of all South Africans is based on a democratic system true to the principles of listening to and meeting the real needs of the citizens...

Pope Francis’s edict on climate is a big deal.

2014 was the hottest year on record. Not afraid of political heat, Pope Francis, dubbed the `superman pope’, is making urgent action for Climate Chan...

God gave us sun and wind - Best we use them!

All around us, everyday, nature shows us uncountable examples of how to use the earth’s energy efficiently and sustainably. Our advances in harnessin...

Who holds the power?

“Faith communities are seriously concerned at indications that South Africa’s future energy choices are being determined behind closed doors by foreig...

Treasury has not Explored Nuclear

SAFCEI has held weekly nuclear vigils outside Parliament, with people of faith demanding ethical governance around nuclear energy. Treasury has respo...