Showing posts that match tag: nuclear-2

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Nuclear plans for South Africa will face resistance at all levels

Earthlife Africa Jhb, Greenpeace Africa and the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI) have officially filed a notice info...

SAFCEI Active Citizens Network

We had a wonderful launch of the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network on 6th May and were encouraged and motivated by the interest shown and the knowledge s...

The people have spoken: “NO TO NUKES”

With all the hard work in fighting against the nuclear build programme in our country, justice has finally been served by the judgment on the nuclear...

Nuclear Deal Blocked! Judgement made on the South African Government’s Secret Trillion-Rand Nuclear Court Case

26th April 2017 “Victory for justice and the rule of law and the people of South Africa”, is how Makoma Lekalakala of Earthlife Africa Johannesburg...

Secret Trillion-Rand Nuclear Deal Case Judgement to be Delivered on 26th April 2017

On the eve of Freedom Day at 9:45 am tomorrow, the Western Cape High Court will deliver its judgement in the nuclear deal court case brought by Earthl...

SAFCEI Youth Ambassador's Statement on Nuclear at the Kathrada Memorial

Siphokazi, SAFCEI youth ambassador & Right2Know activist, having her statement read out at the Kathrada memorial. Photo: Sean Brown The inspiring...

Calling all #EarthKeepers to comment on DoE's proposed Energy Plan

SAFCEI is committed to promoting energy justice, and drafted this letter as a sample template for citizens to comment on the DoE’s plan. If you agree...

Civil society uniting against the nuclear deal

After months of delays and a postponement of our nuclear court case, we had our day in court on the 22nd February. Whilst judgement has been reserved...

Nuclear case postponed to February 2017 – Govt ordered to pay punitive costs


“Our ‘People’s Statement’ Aims to Give a Voice to the People of SA” - SAFCEI

On Wednesday, community and faith leaders from around the country, marched to Parliament to deliver a ‘People’s statement’ opposing government’s ener...

People's Statement on Nuclear

On the 29th and 30th November, SAFCEI, together with Earthlife Africa Jhb and the Heinrich Boell Foundation held a People's Hearing where affected co...

Public participation is crucial to progressing SA's electricity plan - SAFCEI


Parliament going backwards into the dark ages

16 November 2016 Press release: Parliament going backwards into the dark ages According to media reports, Parliament is going to discuss the nuclear d...

Nuclear energy crowding out adaptation responses

By Liz McDaid Mining uranium to provide fuel for nuclear power stations can affect the health of people and livestock across vast expanses of land. P...

Those without integrity must be held accountable

14 November 2016 Press release: Those without integrity must be held accountable One month after the Public Protector’s State Capture report was relea...

A successful Way Beyond Nuclear event in Durban

Our Way Beyond Nuclear fundraising event in Durban was filled to the seams and a great success, with inspiring speeches from our Venerable Ani Tsondru...

Uranium mining update - a letter from Dr Stefan Cramer

Dear friends of the Karoo, Here is another update on the status of the application for uranium mining rights in the Karoo. We have until the end of t...

Faith Community responds to the Nuclear Build Briefing

11 October 2016 Press release Faith Community responds to the Nuclear Build Briefing SAFCEI attended the Energy Portfolio Committee meeting in Parliam...

Durban Way Beyond Nuclear Fundraising Dinner

Join us for a fine dining experience and an opportunity to explore the real cost of the nuclear build, and the legacy we are leaving for future genera...

Let the courts decide

Press release Let the courts decide SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Jhb are seeking justice in the courts. In an interview with Fin24, Rosatom’s regional...

Milestones in our uranium mining and nuclear work

Makoma Lekalala and Liz McDaid signing the final replying affidavit. We have reached several important milestones in our nuclear court case and our w...

SAFCEI supports the call to address crises in higher education

In this time of tension in the higher education sector, as the fees debate rages on, SAFCEI supports the call from UCT’s Faculty of Health Sciences to...

“See you in court”

Be part of protecting our democracy and future, donate to the nuclear court case 16 September 2016 Press release “See you in court” Civil society s...

SAFCEI & ELA Jhb's Nuclear Campaign and Court Case

In 2014 SAFCEI became concerned by the indications given that South Africa’s energy future was being decided behind closed doors by foreign business i...

Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case

Press Release 9 September 2016 Nuclear procurement – government ignores court case In what appears to be a blatant disregard for the court process, th...

SAFCEI's Submission on the Application for a Nuclear Installation Site Licence

Read SAFCEI's official submission on the application for a nuclear installation site licence. Earth Keepers are invited to endorse this submission by...

Tail wagging the dog

Eskom’s position regarding the advent of renewable energy is worrisome. Alarm bells rang when we heard of the call by the utility for a halt to furthe...

What legacy do we want for South Africa?

Stefan teaching the next generation of Earth Keepers about uranium mining. Photo: Erika Cramer In July we were excited to receive the news of a large...

Nuclear industry prefers to keep the public in the dark

The Pelindaba nuclear reactor plant near Pretoria. Picture: THE TIMES By Neil Overy This article was published in BDLive IN 1994, the Western Cape AN...

Feinstein: SA's must take to streets or will pay billions in nuclear bribes

"We, as South African citizens...need to ensure that our Government is transparent & accountable on what is going to be by far the most expen...

SAFCEI in the media

SAFCEI has enjoyed another two months of good media coverage due to the hard work of staff. ONLINE****Bloomberg 04 May 2016 Uranium Joins Fracking in...

Government lawyers miss third deadline in nuke court case

Press release 3rd June 2016 Government has failed to meet the legal deadline of 31st May. By close of business on Monday, government had once again fa...

Nuclear and Uranium Mining Update

As reported by Dr Stefan Cramer and Liz McDaid Radiation Hotspot near Beaufort-West. Our work on nuclear and uranium mining continues in full-steam w...

Way Beyond Nuclear

Kumi Naidoo Our fundraiser The Power of Now: Way Beyond Nuclear was a great success, with a wonderful line-up of speakers and Nik Rabinowitz holding...

Government dragging its heels in nuclear court case

Press release 17th May 2016 According to the court rules, Friday 13th was the day government was supposed to respond to civil society’s application to...

No nuclear bail outs

Press release 11th May 2016 Minister Joemat-Pettersson’s energy budget debate was characterised by some anomalies. The Minister and various MPs spoke...

Fundraiser Breakfast with Kumi Naidoo: Way Beyond Nuclear

SAFCEI is holding a business breakfast at the Vineyard Hotel in Newlands, Cape Town, on the 23rd May to raise funds towards our nuclear campaign. As t...

Invitation to: COP21 and the struggle for energy democracy

SAFCEI will be presenting an update on the current progress on the SAFCEI/ELA nuclear court case and associated nuclear campaign. The topic will be Nu...

Is this sanity or incompetence?

Press release 6th April 2016 Earthlife Africa Jhburg and Southern Africa Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), responded to the latest ne...

Secrecy around nuclear and uranium

It has been 30 years since the devastating nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, which occurred on 26 April 1986. And last month brought the five year annive...

SAFCEI in the media

We have had a flurry of media attention in the last two months which we would like to celebrate. Dr Stefan Cramer, Liz McDaid, the Green Bishop and OW...

Court case exposes web of secrecy in government nuclear dealings

30 March 2016 Media release embargoed until 12 noon on 30th March 2016 COURT CASE EXPOSES WEB OF SECRECY IN GOVERNMENT NUCLEAR DEALINGS Today, Earthli...

Nuclear likely to increase electricity prices, not decrease

"There is a 94% chance that electricity prices will be higher by 2030 as a result of nuclear commitment; with negative impacts on growth, employm...

Nuclear disasters: the long-term effects

Workers position bags of radioactive waste at a temporary waste storage site in Naraha, just outside the exclusion zone surrounding the Fukushima Dai...

Submit your opposition to uranium mining

There are only a few days left to submit opposition against uranium mining in the Karoo, which closes on the 15 March. We urge all Earth Keepers to pl...

Govt attempts to undermine legal case against nuclear

Media release GOVERNMENT ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE LEGAL CASE AGAINST NUCLEAR Government correspondence provided to Earthlife Africa Jhb (ELA) and the Sou...

The budget, SA’s energy future and political posturing

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan. Photo credit: Shelley Christians SAFCEI commends the Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan for steadying South Africa’s...

Parliament makes tired promises to listen to civil society and the Minister does not deliver

Kate Davies stood outside Parliament during the Energy Portfolio Committee Meeting on the 23 February. Despite hopes that the Energy Portfolio Commit...

Govt still continuing with nuclear despite outdated plans

The government has indicated that they will be going ahead with procuring 9600MW of nuclear power to meet energy needs. However they are doing so usin...

SAFCEI's response to SONA 2016

President Zuma’s statement that the government would “only procure nuclear on a scale and pace that our country can afford” is in no way reassuring. Z...

R2K Statement: The right to protest denied for the opening of Parliament!

R2K is appalled by the City of Cape Town’s decision to deny our right to protest. The City, SAPS and SANDF have shut down parliament and the surroun...

Donate to Anti-Nuclear through GivenGain

You can donate to our nuclear court case through our GivenGain page - we appreciate every contribution, no donation is too small! To find an updat...

Uranium mining

The debate around nuclear until now has largely centred on how the procurement of nuclear energy is being done in secrecy and without proper consultat...

Nuclear goes ahead despite omission from NDC

SAFCEI's Regional Coordinator meets with Minister of Eenvironment Edna Molewa at COP debriefing on 27th January 2016 Ahead of COP21 in Paris last yea...

SAFCEI opposes Eskom’s tariff increases

Liz McDaid is representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings today. Read our press release below. Liz McDaid representing SAFCEI at the NERSA hearings, Tu...

Nuclear News

Our nuclear campaign has bounded ahead in these last weeks and SAFCEI marked several momentous occasions. The most exciting one was the launch of our...

Latest update on our nuclear court action

Read our latest press releases: 9 September 2016: Nuclear procurement - government ignores court case 18 August 2016: Nuclear court case - more missin...

Marking a year of #NukeVigils

SAFCEI is celebrating a year of Nuclear Vigils next week! (21 October 2015) The time has flown since that first time we stood outside parliament in pr...

Press Release: Court Action

Earthlife Africa Jhb and SAFCEI draw the line on Joemat- Pettersson's secret nuclear deal Earthlife Africa Jhb and Southern African Faith Communities'...

Prof Steve Thomas hits back at Rosatom claims

VLADIMIR SLIVYAK very effectively contests some of the points made by Viktor Polikarpov on behalf of Rosatom. There are a couple of important issues S...

Morality shut out of energy debate

Minister Joematt-Petterson. Picture: Trevor Samson How ironic! As I walked into the parliamentary energy portfolio committee meeting in my episcopal...

Parliament: Nuclear going ahead at the cost of democracy

By Liz McDaid Parliament has been a disturbing place to be today... One MP said that they would not allow anti nuclear activists, and also,claimed,tha...

Vive la France!

By Liz McDaid The South African government’s headlong rush into the arms of the nuclear industry continues to defy reason, yet France, the bastion of...

No End to Threats to the Karoo

By Dr Stefan Cramer Older inhabitants of the Central Karoo remember that in the 1950s the area around Beaufort-West in the Karoo was once the scene of...

Support SAFCEI's legal action against nuclear

SAFCEI in partnership with Environmental organisation Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, has briefed our legal team and is asking for everyone’s help. We...

SAFCEI legal response to SA secret nuclear deals

South Africa's government is poised to commence procurement of up to eight nuclear reactors at a cost of at least R500 billion (more likely R1 trillio...

SAFCEI rejects non-transparent nuclear deals

MEDIA RELEASE SAFCEI questions why South Africa is rushing into nuclear energy. According to latest media reports, nuclear power plants are supposed...

Imam Omar questions South Africa’s nuclear path

“There is no such thing as safe nuclear power!” Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar of the Claremont Main Road Mosque cautioned the congregation who had come to...

Support for SAFCEI's SONA Press Statement

The following organisations and individuals support SAFCEI's 11th February Press Statement on proposed nuclear deals: (Find the Press release "Gi...

Stop nukes. Prevent democracy meltdown.

The prosperity of all South Africans is based on a democratic system true to the principles of listening to and meeting the real needs of the citizens...

God gave us sun and wind - Best we use them!

All around us, everyday, nature shows us uncountable examples of how to use the earth’s energy efficiently and sustainably. Our advances in harnessin...

Who holds the power?

“Faith communities are seriously concerned at indications that South Africa’s future energy choices are being determined behind closed doors by foreig...

Treasury has not Explored Nuclear

SAFCEI has held weekly nuclear vigils outside Parliament, with people of faith demanding ethical governance around nuclear energy. Treasury has respo...