Our Articles

Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.

Normal Is Over Screening

SAFCEI is excited to announce the South African screening of the documentary ‘Normal Is Over The Movie’ in August at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town. S...

Spiritually Empowered Earth Keepers (SEEK) workshops

Application available at: http://safcei.org/product/seek-application-form/ SAFCEI is offering a new series of workshops to eco-congregation members,...


SAFCEI warmly invites all Earth Keepers to join us at our 2016 AGM and a talk on uranium mining in the Karoo by Dr Stefan Cramer. Date: 12th July Ti...

Ripple effects of Laudato Si' in Zambia

Pope Francis. Picture: Shutterstock Laudato Si’s message is still ringing out strong and clear, and is being acted on in diverse parts of this world....

Laudato Si' & compassion for animals

Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another. (La...

Eight massive power shifts as demand for fossil fuels fades

By Tom Randall This article was published in Fin24 New York - The way we get electricity is about to change dramatically, as the era of ever-expanding...

World Environment Day

Another important day is coming up for our beautiful Earth this month: World Environment Day on Sunday 5th June. This year’s theme is our wildlife, wh...

Nuclear and Uranium Mining Update

As reported by Dr Stefan Cramer and Liz McDaid Radiation Hotspot near Beaufort-West. Our work on nuclear and uranium mining continues in full-steam w...

A Green Ramadan

Connecting to the Creator through the our sacred Earth. Picture: Justin Norman Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed...

Rise African Youth, Rise

A letter to all young Earth Keepers by Lydia Mogano Lydia Mogano planting trees with youth. Truth be told, we live in world that is complex, rapidly...

“Laudato Si’, mi Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”: Conversations with Pope Francis

In his recent Encyclical, Pope Francis has opened a dialogue on how to take care of our Common Home. He has clearly opened this dialogue to all people...

Way Beyond Nuclear

Kumi Naidoo Our fundraiser The Power of Now: Way Beyond Nuclear was a great success, with a wonderful line-up of speakers and Nik Rabinowitz holding...