Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019
Prof Tinyiko Maluleke (centre) after delivering his keynote address at the SAFCEI Policy Conference 2019. Photo by Elkan Butler Photography. We host...
Blessing of Animals: Sunday 6th October 2019
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ProVeg Plant-Based Heritage Day Braai - 24 September 2019
On Tuesday 24 September, ProVeg will be hosting their annual Heritage Day Braai around the country, together with partners who share their concern fo...
Apply now to join our Faith Leader & Environment Training in Graaff-Reinet
September 2019 Dear Faith Leaders and Friends, Are you based in the Karoo and surrounds or know a faith leader in your network who is? SAFCEI is ca...
Church in Creation Marina Da Gama, World Day of Prayer for Creation and the Season of Creation 2019
Last Saturday, our Patron Bishop Geoff Davies led the Church in Creation service at Park Island Drive in Marina Da Gama. At the outdoor gathering in...
Season of Creation 2019: Pray, teach and act for creation
Dear fellow faith leaders and colleagues A most important day is approaching, for the attention and action of all faith leaders and faith communities...
A Call from South African Children and Youth for Climate Justice Action on 20 September
‘We Can’t Breathe!’ Carbon Pollution Kills! Climate Justice Now! A Call from South African Children and Youth for Climate Justice Action on 20 Septem...
We hosted our Annual General Meeting at Community House in Cape Town on Tuesday 16th July. Thank you to all who came and joined us. Special thanks to...
Faith Leader Energy Programme
We hosted our first Faith Leader Energy Programme (FLEP) workshop on 15th and 16th July at the Shalimar Gardens Hotel in Cape Town. The workshop was a...
Winners and Losers, Forces and Factions: Where Does SA Stand after the 2019 Election?
Find below the invitation to a Roundtable Discussion hosted by the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office and the Hanns Seidel Foundation. Date: Thurs...
SAFCEI attends the Muslim Judicial Council's Interfaith Meeting
SAFCEI attended the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) South Africa's Interfaith Meeting in Cape Town on 19 June 2019. The theme of the meeting was: “The...