Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
Learning about the Northern Cape
The almost eight-hour cross country drive from Kimberley to Okiep, 8km north of Springbok in the Northern Cape, took us through a sprinkling of neglec...
Kimberley workshop on eco-justice and Earthkeeping
SAFCEI visited one of our longstanding FLEAT members in Kimberley today and helped him to broaden his network of Earthkeepers in diverse churches in h...
FLEAT blog: FLEAT is not a fleeting moment
FLEAT workshop reflections by Rebecca Munetsi I have travelled the world, I have been to Spain Zaragoza, I have been to Zambia, Lusaka, Namibia Windho...
FLEAT blog: Greening women's sports and leisure
Greening women's sports and leisure By Rebecca Munetsi It is a sad reality to walk in a city and see a beautiful and well-dressed lady eating a banana...
Safer and Healthier Places of Worship
On Thursday 3 March SAFCEI achieved a world first. Together with our partners at City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management and the SAPS Explosives...
Apply to join the Skills Building and Environmental Advocacy Programme
SAFCEI and The Green Connection invites faith leaders from faith communities to participate in a 12-month skills building and advocacy programme on e...
Faith Community Eco-Justice Small Grants 2022
Please note that all small grants are currently on hold. The Faith Community Eco-Justice Small Grants application process is open for faith leaders o...
The Future of People and Planet
Our Regional Interfaith Dialogue series for 2022 got off to a powerful start on Monday 14 February, with our first Southern African conversation for t...
Prayers for the City 2022
Every year on the first Sunday in February, Capetonians gather to share Prayers for the City. It was a tradition started in 2000 by former Mayor Gordo...
FLEAT: Tree planting in Malawi and launch of Churches National Tree Planting Day
Mthetho Lungu, a member of our Regional FLEAT (Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training) 2 group shares his updates on tree planting activities in...
Public forced to use registered EAPs to appeal environmental authorisations under DFFE’s proposed amendments to the NEMA Act
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) has invited the public to comment by 21 February 2022 on proposed amendments to the s...
SAFCEI attends NERSA hearings to oppose Eskom's tariff increase application
17 January 2022 - Western Cape Lydia Petersen (Christian, FLEAT Cape Town Member) Jen Stern (Quaker) 18 January 2022 - Eastern Cape Rev Petrus Gysman...