Our Articles

Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.

Eco-footprinting workshop series 2021

SAFCEI held an online eco-footprinting workshop series during July and August 2021 on the topics of energy, water, and waste. What was initially pla...

Hindu Inspirations

This picture perfectly illustrates the Hindu philosophy of the one-ness of life, sacred interconnectedness. Hinduism is regarded by many as the oldest...

The Faith and Moral Call to AGRA

The Southern African Faith Communities’ Institute (SAFCEI) held a press conference to publish the Faith Leaders in Africa’s open letter to the Bill an...

Yum! Brands to go cage-free by 2030

Now that is Yum! We are happy that our work over the last months has yielded a victory. Yum! Brands has made a commitment to sourcing 100% cage-free e...


The world in crisis – why care of the planet is a religious & spiritual imperative September 1 sees the start of the Season of Creation every year...

Season of Creation blogs

Theological Resource Base - Introduction: The world in crisis – why care of the planet is a religious & spiritual imperative Theological Resourc...

Resources list: African groups ask donors to stop funding ‘Green Revolution’ effort to expand corporate industrial agriculture in Africa

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), a network of 35 groups in Africa, is calling on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. gove...


A home for all, Renewing the Oikos of God. Join Christians around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October....


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What does your faith say about women as Earthkeepers?

SAFCEI hosted a Regional Interfaith Dialogue on Tuesday, 10 August, asking the question: What does your faith say about women as Earthkeepers? The eve...

SAFCEI & ELA-JHB Representations on Eskom Thyspunt NISL application

SAFCEI and ELA-JHB submit that it would be irregular for the NNR to grant a NISL in circumstances where Eskom’s CEO has indicated that it is unable to...

SAFCEI will be hosting an online Regional Women's Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT), 31 August to 2 September 2021.

We are calling on women of faith in the region, particularly those in a position of leadership, to join this learning opportunity. Women carry greate...