Whales Sign On Letter: Open Letter to World Leaders attending the G20 Summit

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Dear Friends

Please support this initiative and add your signature confirming your details directly to Dominic Dyer dominicdyer@aol.com**.**


Dear Colleagues

On the 29th June, the G20 meets in Osaka, Japan.

It is an opportunity to deliver an important message to world leaders concerning Japan’s decision to leave the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and commence commercial whaling in its territorial water and the water within the Economic Exclusion Zone (which stretches 200 miles away from Japanese land).

The attached is a Sign On letter prepared by LINK and already supported by a number of Conservation, Animal Protection, Environmental, and Wildlife Trade organisations.

You are kindly invited to sign the letter on behalf of your organisation to add your voice to those who object in the strongest possible terms to Japan’s proposed whaling strategy.

Please could you kindly let myself and Dominic Dyer (dominicdyer@aol.com) know if you wish to sign on and also, please do spread the word to those organisations within your networks who you feel may wish to also add their name.

Thank you for your consideration.

Will Travers OBE

SSN President and Board Chair.