The Green TLC Wednesday message

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Dear Green TLC group, today I would like to share information about the Co2 emissions of South Africa.

Carbon dioxide (Co2) is a greenhouse gas that causes the warming of the planet and climate change. It is important to reduce Co2 emissions to slow down climate change.

Therefore, most countries are aiming to reduce Co2 emissions, e.g. by reducing the use of coal for electricity production or of petrol for transport.

So how is South Africa doing in terms of Co2 emissions?

The good news is that South Africa only emitted 1.3% of global greenhouse gases in 2017. This is not too much, one would think.

But the bad news is that South Africa is the biggest emitter of Co2 in all of Africa. And the amount of Co2 that one person emits per year has risen continuously since the beginning of the industrial era.

Here are some charts that show South Africa's Co2 emissions until 2017.

You can find all these statistics and more on South Africa's carbon emissions on:

Juliane Stork

- The Green Teaching and Learning Community