The Earth Statement - Nature needs your voice.

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Earth Statement Logo for reducing CO2 levels Earth Statement Logo for reducing CO2 levels

Leading scientists & economists have defined eight essential elements that world leaders need act on to avoid an ecological tipping point and dangerous climate change.  The Earth is hurting.  2015 is the year of changes for a sustainable future for humanity.  Join Archbishop Tutu and SAFCEI’s Bishop Davies and sign the Earth Statement.  Add your voice to the call for world leaders to deliver a lifesaving outcome at the climate talks in Paris in December.

Sign the Earth Statement  at

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"2015 is a critical year for humanity. Our civilization has never faced such existential risks as those associated with global warming, biodiversity erosion and resource depletion. Our societies have never had such an opportunity to advance prosperity and eradicate poverty. We have the choice to either finally embark on the journey towards sustainability or to stick to our current destructive “business-as-usual” pathway.

Three times this year, world leaders will meet to set the course for decades to come.  In July 2015, heads of state meet to discuss Financing for Development. In September 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be adopted.  In December 2015, nations negotiate a new Global Climate Agreement. Decisions made in this single year will be the legacy of our generation. In particular, if we do not succeed in tackling climate change, the sustainable development goals, livelihoods in many parts of the world and the wellbeing of our close and distant kin will be threatened.

In 2015, a good climate future is still within reach. "

Extract from the preamble to The Earth Statement.