Take action with us on the court dates

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img_4803Together with many concerned Earth Keepers like you, we have worked hard this year in opposing the nuclear deal and now the big day of our court case has come: the SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Jhb challenge will be heard next week on 13 and 14 December at the Western Cape High Court.

We will be gathering outside the Court (Keerom Street, Cape Town City Centre) in the morning at 7am on both days with posters and supporting messages. We will be calling on government to abandon a nuclear deal which only spells disaster for South Africa and won’t bring the long-awaited energy justice for all.

Though it is the busiest season of the year, we need your solidarity now. Only if we unify as faith communities, civil society organisations and concerned citizens will we be able to make clear to government that South Africans are not behind them on this decision.

Join us in person and on social media to show government that we do not accept the way they are making energy decisions on our behalf. The secrecy, the empty promises and the smoke and mirrors tactics are not ethical governance.

There will be gatherings in Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg and Johannesburg – keep an eye on our social media for more news, or join us digitally by sending a photo with a supporting message that we can put up, by emailing louisa@safcei.org.za.

We will also be doing a Thunderclap for the 13th to create awareness of our court case on social media and spread a supporting message on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr that will be sent out simultaneously, in a social media Thunderclap or ‘flashmob’. Please sign up with a social media account here so we can reach into all corners of South Africa and beyond: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/50740-say-no-to-corrupt-nuke-deals

As a democracy our voice matters and we need to show that we don’t accept decisions that we have not been consulted on. Last week we held a People’s Hearing in Cape Town where affected communities and individuals could give voice to their concerns on the nuclear deal - and it was a very long list: http://safcei.org/peoples-statement-on-nuclear/

We are grateful for the support we have received from all of you over the year and we ask that you continue supporting us and our work, especially at this crucial time.
