Sermons and Liturgies

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Liturgy for Earthkeeper Day service

A Liturgy for Earth Keeper Day written by Revd Glynis Goyns, St Marks UPCSA.

Click here to download the liturgy

Click here to download the sermon

Palm Sunday Sermon


Celebrating God’s creation and reflecting on our responsibility.


Service designed by Rod Botsis, Moderator of UPCSA

Download here

Stewardship of the Environment - Sermon by the Very Revd Monument Makhanya

The Very Revd Monument Makhanya was consecrated 14th Bishop of Zululand on Saturday 23 April 2016 and this was his charge to the Zululand Diocese Synod in November 2016 regarding the Environment.

Stewardship of the Environment - sermon by the Very Revd Monument Makhanya

With thanks to the Johannesburg Anglican Environmental Initiative (JAEI) who shared this resource.

Divest Reinvest Sermon Tips

For many clergy of any faith, delivering a sermon on the environment is still a new experience. While more religious leaders than ever are speaking out about care for Creation, the topic can still evoke resistance, or a complex range of reactions, from congregations.

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Princess Vlei Sermon

Sermon given by Bishop Geoff Davies 22 September 2013

Click to download