Virtual EarthKeeper picket

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We are asking leaders of ALL FAITHS to pose in their religious attire – if they have - with a bold, legible sign, either handwritten or printed, that proclaims just one thing that they would like their congregation to know about being an #Earthkeeper. Please use a clean A4 page, not torn out of a book. Use thick black koki if hand printing your sign and thick, solid lettering if you are using a printer. Remember to include the hashtag #Earthkeeper on your sign!

Send us your photograph, with your name, designation, contact details and the name and location of your faith community. You can email it to or WhatsApp it to 0766721932.

We’ll be building momentum between now and 5 October, when our picket will be mass-released online in alignment with UN World Habitat Day, Green Action Week and the end of the Season of Creation.

Here are some examples of signs – but please do allow your creative thoughts to flow, we are always open to new #Earthkeeper ideas.

How to participate in the virtual #EarthKeeper Picket

Virtual #EarthKeeper Picket posts













The Season of Creation is for Everybody

God made one Earth and asks people of all Faiths to share it.

The 2020 Season of Creation arrives as the world is reeling from the Covid-19 pandemic, and the even larger threat of a climate emergency.

We ask leaders of all faiths what this season of hope and renewal means to them, in the context of our times as well as in the context of their faith.

We invite leaders of all faiths to tell us how they engage with their role as an #Earthkeeper – because the Earth is our greatest point of commonality and the place we all call home. Earth, and stories of creation, are central to all faiths.

By creating an online picket, we give all faith leaders the opportunity to participate and engage, sharing a message with their faith communities, even if they are in isolation at their homes. There is no geographic boundary, no boundary of belief and no barrier of time, money, or access (other than internet) to prevent all faith leaders from being part of this project.

We are all #Earthkeepers – no matter what faith we follow.

Green Action Week

Green Action Week – Monday 28th September to Sunday 4th October 2020 – is a global campaign to promote sustainable consumption. Each year in October, organisations around the world take joint action to promote a common cause. This year, 50 civil society organisations in 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas participate in the campaign.

The theme since 2018 has been ‘Sharing Community’. “We want to ignite cultures of sharing and collaboration to make sure everyone has sustainable access to goods and services”. Find out more about the theme, what it looks like in practice, and how to get involved in 2020 in this guide.

Green Action Week is an initiative by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC), starting in Sweden in 1990 and growing to become an international partnership from 2010 – and it is carried out in coordination with Consumers International (CI).

The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is Sweden’s largest environmental organisation with 226 000 members and about 40 partners all over the world. Since 1909 SSNC has been working at local, regional, national and international level, creating opinion and challenging business leaders and politicians to take action.

Consumers International is the world federation of consumer groups that, working together with its members, serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers.

New to sharing community? Here's a step-by-step guide to the theme for Green Action Week 2020:

You can participate in Green Action Week by joining our EarthKeeper picket or attending our Food Gardening webinars. More events and details to follow!