Season of Creation 2024 - To hope and act with Creation

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Join Christians worldwide in celebrating the Season of Creation from 1 September through 4 October.

The Season of Creation, which runs from 1 September through to St Francis Day on 4 October, is an annual celebration of prayer, learning, and action for Creation. The theme for this year is “To hope and act with Creation”.

Join the following activities:

Prayer Service for Creation Day - 1 September 2024

Sign on to the Gates Letter - September to October  2024

Green Action Week - September to November 2024

WCPCC ZOOM Prayer Forum -03 September 2024, 5 pm (SATS)

Webinar: How to Appeal the License for Koeberg's life extension - 10 September 2024

Close of Season of Creation webinar on World Animal Day - 4 October 2024

Support the Cage-Free SA campaign on World Animal Day:

Join us in celebrating #WorldAnimalDay on October 4th by standing up for the rights of animals everywhere! We’re calling on faith leaders to share their voices for our feathered friends.

Record a short video (up to 45 seconds) or snap a photo with a #CageFreeSA placard to show your support for ending battery cages and promoting humane treatment for hens and all animals.

Send your clips and pics to or by Monday, 30 September 2024. Let’s make a difference together—because hens don’t have a voice, but we do!

Below are some more ideas to celebrate the Season of Creation:

  • Hold a Sunday Eucharist outdoors
  • Host an ecumenical prayer service
  • Organise a Creation walk or pilgrimage
  • Coordinate local education and sustainability activities
  • Join the call for a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty to manage a global transition to safe, renewable & affordable energy for all
  • Organise a campaign or action of your own: clean-up, tree planting, etc.


Season of Creation celebration guide

Season of Creation 2024 manual Anglican Church of Southern Africa (Green Anglicans)

Johannesburg Anglican Eco-Spiritual Initiative Season of Creation resources 

African Faith Leaders Demand Reparations from Gates - Press Conference Recording

New Creation Liturgies

Share with us what you're doing for the Season of Creation by tagging us on our social media pages.