SAFCEI #EnergyPlan4All Vigil - 7 June 2023

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Please join us for our monthly #EnergyPlan4All Vigil on 7 June 2023 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

For our next vigil, we will commemorate World Environment Day (5 June 2023) and World Oceans day (8 June 2023). We will be raising awareness about the energy crisis and the dangers of nuclear energy to the environment and all South Africans.

  • We demand affordable, safe, and access to just, clean energy and a #NuclearFreeSA.
  • We object to all offshore oil and gas projects in our ocean.

To join us, please email:

#NuclearFreeSA #EnergyPlan4All #OceansNotOil #WhoStoleOurOceans #WorldOceansDay #WorldEnvironmentDay #Earthkeepers