We had a wonderful launch of the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network on 6th May and were encouraged and motivated by the interest shown and the knowledge shared.
For those of you where geography stood in the way or other commitments called, we share below the campaigns and issues we talked about and where our Active Citizens can get involved.
To officially join the network, simply follow this link and fill in the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCqRSaopHEq4DFp_zqcCyaFeyzcuCSFDyNEsad7-mTDw3KYQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
And afterwards come join the SAFCEI Active Citizens Network group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/271426316654281/
Faith Leaders Advocacy Training & Eco-Congregations
SAFCEI believes that faith communities and faith leaders have an important role to play in achieving environmental justice. To learn more about how your church, mosque, synagogue or place of worship can get involved and how you can bring eco-justice into these spaces, we warmly invite you to join FLEAT or Eco-congregations.
Nuclear; Uranium; Water and Fracking
Whilst we have achieved a big victory with the ruling on the nuclear court case, our work for energy justice is not yet done (find out more about this campaign on nuclearcostssa.org). Closely intertwined with this is the issue of fracking which keeps resurfacing and the threat of uranium mining in the Karoo, which would destroy many livelihoods and poison South Africa’s iconic landscapes. Water is also closely connected to energy justice, as both fracking and uranium mining would contaminate this precious resource. And with climate change bringing more droughts, water justice will become an increasing concern.
One Web of Life including Open Wing Alliance
Compelled by the Golden Rule: “Treat all others as you’d like to be treated yourself”, the One Web of Life (OWL) encourages people of faith to think consciously about our relationship with all the creatures with whom we share the Earth. OWL works for the dawning of a new era of compassion wherein animals are no longer subjected to inhumane and cruel treatment. This year we joined the Open Wing Alliance initiated by The Humane League and have begun approaching food producers, retailers and outlets to stock and use only cage free eggs.
Green Mondays & Consumer Education
This is about living sustainably and knowing what kind of impact our food choices make on the environment. The Green Monday campaign encourages people to enjoy a full plant-based diet at least one day a week and lessen their impact on animals and the earth. But there are many other ways that we as consumers can make a difference. Ensuring that the Philippi Horticultural Area is not developed is one. Learning as much as you can about where your food comes from and what standards and practices are used is another.
We look forward to building and being part of this network, and working towards a better world together. Please encourage other active and concerned citizens by passing this mail on to them with a personal word of encouragement to join us.
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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Job Vacancy: FLEAT Coordinator