Renewable Festival Fun for Earth Hour 2015

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The Renewable Energy Festival 2015 – a date with the future that promises to be simply awesome!  Renewables are not about unplugging old technology and plugging in wind or solar. They are the new way of doing business. One that offers a real relationship with people and the Earth – a sustainable one!  That is worth celebrating!  That is what the Renewable Energy Festival of 2015 is about!

When: Saturday 28 March, 11:30 to 22:00

Where: Green Point Cricket Oval

Renewable Energy Festival 2105 with Johnny Clegg

Exhibits demonstrating locally available renewable and energy efficient technologies will inform while the most amazing line up of South African musicians and comedians will perform.  They will be doing it for free – in the spirit of the God given energy from the sun and the wind. For the full line up of performers from Johnny Clegg’s entire team, Jesse Clegg ,Hot Water, Me & Mr Brown to top SA Comedian Siv Ngesi  and Celebrity MC – Katlego Maboa go to

There’s more!  SAFCEI will be there to invite you to join their Nuke Vigil campaign, saying No to nukes. SAFCEI staff are finalising plans for our stand at the Renewable Energy Festival.  A hot off the press highlight will be a facility for people to take a selfie with an anti-nuke poster and then watch as their selfie scrolls on a big screen along with the selfies of others who have stepped up to say No to Nukes!  Make your own poster or use one of SAFCEI’s anti-nuke slogans – let’s do it. Tweet or Post #NukeVigil with your message.

Staff at the SAFCEI stand will be on hand to answer questions about the problems with and alternatives to nuclear energy.  Informative posters and brochures explaining how to be energy efficient will be available as well as case studies of the energy audits that SAFCEI’s eco-congregations have initiated.

Hosted by the World Wildlife Fund South Africa (WWF-SA) in partnership with the Alternative Information Development Centre (AIDC) and the City of Cape Town the festival offers an engaging and informative mix of activities - live local acts, exhibitions demonstrating RE and climate change projects, an all local food and craft market, kids puppet shows on educational topics, pithy forum debates designed to broaden your knowledge of key RE issues, prizes and more…

The celebration of Earth Hour from 20:30 – 21:30 will draw an exciting day to a close.  This year’s Earth Hour theme is `Use Your Power’.  “2015 is a very important year for us all as world leaders will be gathering in Paris in December to make global commitments to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. They need to know that we know that their decisions will determine the future of humanity, and that this matters to us.”   For collective actions to use your power to tell our leaders that we want them to vote for decisive action to curtail the industries that cause climate change go to:

We look forward to seeing you at the coolest event of the year.  If you live far from Cape Town – send us your selfie with an anti-nuclear message and we will add you to the line-up. See also:

Earth Hour 28 March 2015 Earth Hour 28 March 2015

By Kim Kruyshaar for SAFCEI