During this year's Pentecost Prayers our church family reflects together on the truth that God created us wonderfully, and in union with the rest of creation. We also reflect on our vocation to care for the earth that has been entrusted to us and to preserve it, in the likeness of our Creator.
The series emphasizes that the earth belongs to the Lord. Because many of our congregations have 10 prayer meetings as well as Pentecost Feast, we reflect on eleven successive sub themes: (1) The heavens proclaim our Lord's glory (Ps 19: 2- 7, 15; Rev 4:11; 10: 6); (2) and the earth is our and our Lord's dwelling place (Gen 1: 26-28, 31; John 1: 1- 5, 14); (3) over which he reigns as the Reconciler (Col 1: 15-20). (4) His Spirit reigns in us and gives us insight (Rom 8: 9-11; Ps 8); (5) to see the earth and give thanks to the Creator (Job 38; 39); (6) to hear his creation's groans (Rom 8:19-22); (7) to respect the earth's integrity (Isaiah 45: 1a, 5-8); (8) and to care for it (Gen 2: 4-15); (9) to be generous and serving towards our fellow creatures (2 Cor 9: 10-15); (10) sacrificing and sharing, living in simplicity and frugal (Acts 2: 43-47; 4: 32-37; 2 Cor 8:10-15). (11) because we confess, "The earth is the Lord's" (Psalm 24: 1-10), and we honour his reign with the whole of creation (Rev 5: 8-14)
Download the English version here
Download the Afrikaans version here
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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