Nuclear deal 2017 legal documents and media resources

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Here you can find the court papers, faith statements, reports, presentations, videos and nuclear-related articles.

Legal documents

SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Johannesburg have taken the government to court over the legality of the nuclear procurement process.

Faith Statements


Faith statements



Civil Society supports the Earthlife Africa Jhb & SAFCEI Court Case

SONA 2017 Occupy Bridges Action

People’s Speak Out Against Nuclear 29&30 October 2016

News 24 – Anti-nuke protest, 23 Sep 2015

SABC2’s Morning Live, 25th February 2015 – No Nuclear Deals

News24 – SAFCEI’s Board members at a Nuclear Vigil outside parliament. 4th February 2015

Buddhist nun, Ani Tsondru Sonam, explains why SA’s alleged deal with Russia for nuclear energy is not good for the country.

The nuclear deal in the press: