Nersa calls for public comment on new 2500MW Nuclear Energy generation

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The South African government has announced plans to add 2,500MW more nuclear power to our electricity system by 2030.

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) put out a paper  on Monday 23rd November outlining the details and an

invitation to the general public to comment on whether they agree with a new Ministerial Determination for the procurement of more nuclear power.

You are invited to attend a workshop to unpack technical information in an accessible way and to share pointers on how to make a submission.

The workshop will be held on Zoom on the 3rd of February 2021 from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Please join us, comment and take action for affordable electricity, a just energy transition, no more unsafe toxic waste and more transparent governance.

RSVP to by 1st February to attend. Any data requests to be made when RSVPing.

Comments are due to NERSA by 5th February 2021.

View the poster below for information on how to submit your comments.

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