SAFCEI is holding a business breakfast at the Vineyard Hotel in Newlands, Cape Town, on the 23rd May to raise funds towards our nuclear campaign. As the first of a series of Earth Keeper Briefings, SAFCEI invites you to please share this invitation widely and come join us for an informative morning with Kumi Naidoo, Kevin James and Nik Rabinowitz.
Kumi Naidoo, former Director of Greenpeace International, will address the folly of the nuclear build, and Kevin James, Radio 2000 Sustainability and Climate expert, will talk about the efficiency and affordability of clean, job-creating, renewable energy. The event will be MC’d by comedian, actor and author, Nik Rabinowitz.
Even if you cannot make it yourself, book a place or table for friends or colleagues - or simply to support our work.
Download the invite here: SAFCEI Breakfast Fundraiser: Way Beyond Nuclear
Secure your ticket online through Webtickets at
Visit our Facebook event: Way Beyond Nuclear
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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