Free McDonald’s chickens

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Caged hens at egg facility owned by Mr. Jain. Caged hens at an egg facility.

Our One Web of Life (OWL) programme, together with other organisations, have started campaigning for McDonald to phase out using battery chickens, like their counterparts in the USA and Canada.

Beauty without Cruelty SA, United Front 4 Animals (UFA), Compassion in World Farming and OWL from SAFCEI have requested McDonald's South Africa to make a commitment towards sourcing cage-free chickens. This was the only response they received: “McDonald’s South Africa takes note of the moves made by their USA and Canadian counterparts, and though we are exploring the viability of expanding McDonald’s cage-free policy to South Africa, we cannot at this stage, make a similar commitment as the one made by McDonald’s USA and McDonald’s Canada.”

This galvanised Yolanda Guse from Beauty without Cruelty SA to start an online petition for consumers to sign, asking that McDonald’s South Africa reconsider its policy. “We’re NOT lovin’ it, McDonald’s SA,” is their call to action and we ask you to add your voice to end this senseless suffering in the name of profits.

Sign here so that we can show McDonalds that the humane treatment of animals are important to us as South Africans, and as people of faith.

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