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Introducing Monica Daniel Nakei, a Roman Catholic faith leader from our FLEAT Tanzania group, who is passionate about agriculture and farming.

Monica is an Assistant Lecturer at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro, Tanzania, and currently a PhD student in Life Sciences, specializing in Sustainable Agriculture at Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in Arusha, Tanzania.

Monica works as an Agronomist, Soil Scientist, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist, and academician. Part of her job as an agronomist is to train farmers on the agricultural value chain and educate them about good and sustainable agronomic practices to attain the optimum yield of nutritious food.

As a soil scientist, she conducts research on reducing environmental pollution using methods that are environmentally safe and sustainable. Some of her research includes the Biodegradation of plastic waste by using beneficial soil microorganisms.

As a Sustainable Agriculture Specialist, she focuses on agricultural conservation, sustainable land management systems, and organic agriculture and research on the production of biofertilizers, formulations for supplying nutrients to crops, as well as biocontrol of plant disease-causing pathogens.

Monica also trains graduate students in various agricultural courses on soil microbiology, Environmental pollution, and the management of agricultural wastes, as well as agricultural chemistry and biochemistry.

“I would wish to bring tangible solutions in the community, nation, and region for different challenging areas, including soil health and crop productivity, by involving sustainable techniques to increase agricultural resilience in the face of changing climate,” added Monica.

Watch the presentation below to learn more about her PhD research.

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="/uploads/Monica_Nakei-Presentation-1.mp4"][/video]