Brahma Kumaris

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) is a relatively new global spiritual movement which arose from a Hindu cultural base known as Om Mandli in the 1930s. They describe themselves as a “rainbow” family of individuals across the globe, from all walks of life. They seek to help people to re-discover their inherent worth and to reconnect with spirituality.

Rather than promoting a particular religion, the Brahma Kumaris acknowledge the universal principles taught by God to humanity. Based on the principle that the roots of change lie within, they encourage people to live by their highest values, vision and purpose, in the firm belief that this commitment to self-transformation will create peace and a better world for all.

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Nurturing nature through connections

There are more than 8,500 study centres of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University located in 110 countries including centres in southern Africa.

Through a range of locally relevant projects and partnerships, including alternative energy and farming initiatives, the BKWSU work to promote spiritual understanding, leadership with integrity and actions for a sustainable future for humanity.

The BKWSU has a strong environmental ethic, a natural extension of their belief in the spiritual growth and virtues of individuals, and expressed in living sustainably.

“At the core of the Brahma Kumaris’ work is the understanding of the connection among awareness, attitude, vision, action, and the (material) world. All real change – big changes in the word and small changes in a single life – occurs as a sequence of subtle shifts, beginning with a change in awareness.”


Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University environmental website

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Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

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