On 8 September a Climate Rise Mini-Summit was jointly hosted by SAFCEI, 350.org, and WESSA. A diverse group of 170 stakeholders including environmental activists, members from faith community, youth, government and community based activists attended the event. Climate Rise was part of a Global Rise events. Panel discussions were held to ensure that a multitude of voices were heard. The first panel had representatives from youth, farming and gender perspectives, faith and energy justice. The second panel had three representatives from all spheres of government and a climate legal expert, with passionate engagement from the audience in the discussion session.
The third and final panel had science, education, media and business representatives. Takeaways and highlights from the panel and audience included the following:
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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Job Vacancy: FLEAT Coordinator