Dear A Rocha WC friends
Our monthly Church in Creation walk is this Saturday 16 Nov from 9h30 until 11h00 in Hout Bay
I will be leading a meditative walk along the lower Hout Bay River and around the reed beds from 9h30 until about 10h30 and then we will enjoy a bring-and-share picnic together.
I will share a bit about the work and legacy of Chris & Susannah Naylor and Miranda & Peter Harris, who worked passionately with A Rocha in Lebanon & Portugal respectively over many years to protect crucial wetlands and birding areas and to "write the gospel in creation"
Please join us if you can. We will meet at the edge of the wetland, at the bottom of Victor Street
(a narrow street off Empire Ave down from the Victoria Rd (M6) traffic circle; look out for it between Worcester Str & Manchester Rd)
James Irlam
WhatsApp 076 180 9972
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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