Our Articles

Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.

Launching a day of love for creation

When last did you truly experience Nature, God's original scriptures? SAFCEI is inviting you to celebrate Earth Keeper Day on the weekend of 14th &am...

Bishop Davies's address at Ian Player's service

My welcome to you all. Many of you will have known Ian better than I. From my experience he was a deeply spiritual man. He was a faithful member of...

United Methodist Church plants trees in Zimbabwe

Story from Tendai Rebecca Gurupira, United Methodist Church Coordinator, Ministry with Women, Children and Youth in Zimbabwe. In 2014 I attended a Fa...

God gave us sun and wind - Best we use them!

All around us, everyday, nature shows us uncountable examples of how to use the earth’s energy efficiently and sustainably. Our advances in harnessin...

Dear Minister Nene,

LETTER FROM BISHOP GEOFF DAVIES TO SOUTH AFRICA'S FINANCE MINISTER The Honourable Nhlanhla Nene, Minister of Finance, Parliament, Cape Town 28th Janu...

Who holds the power?

“Faith communities are seriously concerned at indications that South Africa’s future energy choices are being determined behind closed doors by foreig...

SAFCEI’s new Eco-Congregation Co-ordinator

Juanita smiles as she relates how excited she was when she saw an advert for a position at SAFCEI. She had no idea that a multi-faith organisation li...

Youth explore links between Faith and Nature.

There was an overwhelming response to the invitations that were sent out for the Youth Leadership Workshop in November 2015. Twenty four dynamic and...

Does your life bless the Earth?

What does the start of 2015 bring to the growing number of people of faith who feel increasing dis-ease about the health of our planet? What does it...

Creation’s YES!

In the spirit of reawakening and restoring our heart and soul connection with nature in 2015, John Roff’s poem While We sleep reminds us that even as...

Advocacy training inspires Eco-action.

15 faith leaders from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi and Kenya attended SAFCEI’s first Faith Leaders’ Environment Advocacy Training (FLEAT) in Novembe...

Treasury has not Explored Nuclear

SAFCEI has held weekly nuclear vigils outside Parliament, with people of faith demanding ethical governance around nuclear energy. Treasury has respo...