Our Articles

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SAFCEI AGM 2015 - Save the date

The Southern African Faith Communities Environmental Institute (SAFCEI) invites you to join us in Durban for our AGM on 3rd June. Find out about SAFC...

Reflecting on an Ecological Pentecost

A new season in the Christian Liturgical Calendar will begin at the end of May. For many South Africans the first chills of winter are synonymous wit...

NGK Durbanville Bergsig rehabiliteer die Kuilsrivier

Daar is ‘n paar ooreenkomste tussen my en ds. Sydney Saayman. ‘n Aantal jare gelede het Sydney Saayman met sy hond langs Kuilsriver gestap. Hy het ges...

FLEAT projects inspire stewardship

In the words of FLEAT graduate Sean Ukomba: “God gave us one earth. Imagine what will happen if every believer could be a steward” SAFCEI’s Faith Le...

Zimbabwe Clean-Up Campaign!

By Angelic Molen, Greek Orthodox Church Zimbabwe I would like to share with you how we, as people of faith at the Greek Orthodox Church in Zimbabwe,...

Renewal and Hope - lessons from Nature

Have you noticed how busy March and April are on the faith calendars of the world? It is no co-incidence that the northern hemisphere faith tradition...

Rediscovering our ancient hearts

“There are no such places as remote areas. The Karoo is part of a sacred connected creation. “ Priscilla DeWet’s challenge stopped the CEO of Falcon O...

Earth Keepers say no to palm oil.

Palm oil is in more than 50% of South African consumer products from baked goods, breakfast cereals, sweets and chocolate, to margarine, cooking oil,...

/Xam Quilt tells the story of One Earth

The richly sewn One Earth quilt made by the First People Artists of the Bethesda Arts Centre, Nieu Bethesda beautifully parallels an ancient story fro...

River Church for congregations in creation

The Green Anglicans invitation to join them for a reflective walk with others and with Jesus brought a group of 30 people from different denominations...

Renewable Festival Fun for Earth Hour 2015

The Renewable Energy Festival 2015 – a date with the future that promises to be simply awesome! Renewables are not about unplugging old technology an...

One Web of Life Programme

Our hearts know that a more beautiful world is possible¹ – a world wherein humankind, as part of Earth’s web of life, is in a benign and compassionate...