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Khutbah for World Water Day

World Water Day Imam Dr. A. Rashied Omar Delivered at Islamic Center of Michiana - South Bend, Indiana, USA on 21 March 2014 Tomorrow, Saturday 22 M...

Nuclear likely to increase electricity prices, not decrease

"There is a 94% chance that electricity prices will be higher by 2030 as a result of nuclear commitment; with negative impacts on growth, employm...

Nuclear disasters: the long-term effects

Workers position bags of radioactive waste at a temporary waste storage site in Naraha, just outside the exclusion zone surrounding the Fukushima Dai...

Submit your opposition to uranium mining

There are only a few days left to submit opposition against uranium mining in the Karoo, which closes on the 15 March. We urge all Earth Keepers to pl...

Manzini Parish continues on their journey of Earth Keeping

By Mncedisi Masuku, Diocese of Swaziland Wednesday March 2 has been a historic day in Manzini Parish, Mathanda when members of the church decided to...

Celebrating Earth Keeper Day at St Francis of Assisi in Waterkloof, Pretoria

St Francis of Assisi Anglican Church in Waterkloof, Pretoria celebrated Earth Keeper Day on the 14th February. Jill Daugherty reports back: The plans...

The life-bringing powers of water

Photo credit: Glynis Goyns Easter, for our Christian Earth Keepers, follows on the heels of World Water Day this year, which takes place on the 22nd...

The Green Bishop receives Award for Community Service

The Green Bishop We would like to share with you the wonderful news that the Green Bishop has been awarded the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Langton Awa...

The Celebrations of Earth Keeper Day

In February we wrote about Earth Keeper Day, a day of love for the Earth. We invited everyone to join us on the weekend of the 12 -14 in cherishing Cr...

The budget, SA’s energy future and political posturing

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan. Photo credit: Shelley Christians SAFCEI commends the Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan for steadying South Africa’s...

People of faith – a voice for the voiceless

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless." (Proverbs 31:8) The One Web of Life programme i...

An hour of darkness brings light to climate change

Photo credit: nate2b (Flickr) When last did you gaze up at the night skies and marvel at the beauty of the stars, planets and moon? This March, on Sa...