Read on for our latest announcements, offers, and helpful explainer articles.
FLEAT moves into the next phase
SAFCEI’s Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT), which began in 2014, is reaching the conclusion of its first cycle and moving into the...
Compassion for all our fellow beings
By Frank Molteno, OWL The burgeoning demands of human society is drowning out the voices of our fellow creatures as they cry for mercy in the face of...
SAFCEI supports the call to address crises in higher education
In this time of tension in the higher education sector, as the fees debate rages on, SAFCEI supports the call from UCT’s Faculty of Health Sciences to...
An Earth Keeper in all of us
Lydia Mogano's tree planting adventures have not ended - in fact, she has only just gotten started. Here she shares a snippet from last week's tree pl...
SAFCEI & ELA Jhb's Nuclear Campaign and Court Case
In 2014 SAFCEI became concerned by the indications given that South Africa’s energy future was being decided behind closed doors by foreign business i...
Arbour Week in Tshwane
With Arbour week taking place in the beginning of this month, Lydia Mogano, our Regional Co-ordinator, has been planting trees in Pretoria with variou...
Values underpinning an ethical nation
The rights of mother earth and our obligations to the earth community By Kate Davies Fragile Earth. Painting by the Sudanese artist Dr Taha Hassaball...
Open letter to Ministers on Eskom
SAFCEI is one of the 28 organisations that signed on to this open letter sent to the Ministers of Energy, Public Enterprises, Environmental Affairs an...
Lessons in geology and advocacy in Graaff-Reinet
By Louisa Feiter We have often featured articles on Dr Stefan Cramer’s work in the Karoo, firstly on fracking and now on the new danger of uranium min...
Karoo Transvisions in Energy
Part of Stefan and Erika Cramers work on informing and capacitating people in the Karoo on the issue of fracking involved working with local artists....
A Season of Creation
By Bishop Geoff Davies, the Green Bishop I am thrilled that we are marking a Season of Creation and that Pope Francis has supported it so strongly. Ca...
Spiritually Empowered Earth Keepers Training
By Juanita Greyvenstein We kicked off our Spiritually Empowered Earth Keepers workshop in Cape Town on 4 – 5 August. A lively, enthusiastic and divers...